Source: Warner Bros. Pictures / HBO Max
We’re still a while away from finally getting the Snyder cut of the much-bemoaned flop known as Justice League and while we await the debut of black suit Superman, Green Lantern, and of course, Darkseid, Zack Snyder gave fans a sneak peak of how Steppenwolf was originally supposed to look.
Over the weekend Snyder continued to tease how his original version of the film was supposed to be (before Joss Whedon took over and turned in an atrocity) and took to Vero to debut a much grittier and rugged version of the film’s main protagonist. Sporting an armor more akin to that of a barbarian than a soldier, the new/old version of Steppenwolf looks way more badass than the lame mother-loving villain in Whedon’s 2017 bomb.
After years of fan outcry and petition signing, Warner Bros. finally caved and gave Snyder the greenlight to finish his darker version of the film which was to feature Superman in his classic black suit and have Darkseid as the main villain towards the end. With a $30 million budget to shoot extra scenes and finish up the CGI work on his version, Snyder seems like he’s going to be giving fans all that they dreamed of when his Justice League debuts on HBO Max some time next year.
Whether or not all the rumors about the film from a Green Lantern appearance to Martian The Manhunter making his DCEU debut prove to be true remains to be seen. But regardless to whom or what you can bet your bottom dollar the entire comic book world will be tuning into the Snyder cut as soon as it’s available to stream and loving every minute of it.
We mean, it can’t be any worst than the Josh Whedon, can it?