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Young lady has been arrested by the police for stabbing House Manager with bottle in the eye.
The lady identify as Edith Raymond who is already at Maroko police station in Lagos , for allegedly stabbing her house manager, Ngozi, in the eye.
According to the report, in incident happened in Lekki Phase 1 on Wednesday, February 2nd 2022.
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Source who share the story said:
“They pay their rent weekly and Ngozi was kept in charge of receiving the rent on behalf of the landlord.
Edith has been owing for three weeks and said she won’t pay up. The victim then called some boys to send the suspect packing. This got the suspect angry and she decided to use a bottle to stab Ngozi in the eye.
She was arrested but the victim has lost her eyesight as a result of the incident.”
NaijaBlog .ng
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Tagged: #naijablogs, #naijanews, Crime