Ye. A name that has been on the minds of the masses all week, whether by choice or force. Most of Ye’s headlines in 2022 have focused on his battles with adidas and GAP. However, just as he stepped into a fresh, art-centric direction by showcasing YZY SZN 9 at Paris Fashion Week, he decided to put him and his team’s work to the side to emphasize “political” shock value.
Now, in the midst of artists, collaborators and friends publicly their disapproval with Ye’s actions, the DONDAartist has hopped on Instagram to ask “WHO SHOULD PLAY ME IN A YE MOVIE?” In the caption, he shares “My pick is Jamie Foxx[.] One of the greatest geniuses[.]” Curiously enough, this comes just a day after Jamie Foxx reiterated his support for the Black Lives Matter movement on Instagram, almost certainly in response to the Ye controversy. In addition, this choice may be alluding to the shared “next step” for the duo as the two took to Instagram Live earlier this year, revealing there’s more to come from them following jeen-yuhs.
Is another Ye movie in the works? Could this be part of its rollout? It’s unlikely, but one thing’s for sure: for better or worse, Ye will continue to find new ways to keep the world talking.
In other entertainment news, Kim Kardashian paid $1.26 million USD to settle SEC charges connected to a crypto promotion.