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Who Runs The World: Black & Latina Women Are Starting A Revolution Without White Women

Who Runs The World: Black & Latina Women Are Starting A Revolution Without White Women
Georgia Senate

Source: Tom Williams / Getty

Black and Latina women are setting the political sphere ablaze and we love to see it.

After the historic turnout for both groups during the 2020 Presidential Election, both Black and Brown women have taken notice of their political influence and intend to spark change. While the revolution is, in theory, going forward without the overt assistance of white women, many will be involved because of their sheer numbers, but overall the last two elections have proven that Black and Brown women have a voice loud enough to march on its own.

As Dahleen Glanton points out in her op-ed for the Chicago Tribune, “the mere thought of Black women and Latinas coming together to chart the course of the country terrifies many in mainstream America. Already, some on social media are trying to pit us against each other by making us competitors rather than allies.” Which was made blatant by the attempt to use veteran actress Eva Longoria‘s words during her MSNBC interview, praising her fellow Latina sisters for showing up at the polls to be on the right side of history. But instead was made to seem as if she was discrediting Black women–a point that Longoria vehemently denied before explaining further what she meant by her comment regarding Black and Brown women in the election.

“The women of color showed up in big ways. Of course, you saw in Georgia what Black women have done but Latina women were the real heroines here, beating men in turnout in every state and voting Biden-Harris at an average rate of close to 3 to 1. And that wasn’t surprising to us,” Longoria told MSNBC’s, Ari Melber.

After backlash, the Grand Hotel star clarified her statement, taking to Twitter to reveal what many understood, that Black and Brown women were making a difference at the polls much like they do at home daily.

“When I said that Latinas were heroines in this election, I simply meant that they turned out in greater numbers and voted more progressively than LATINO MEN,” Eva Longoria wrote. “My wording was not clear, and I deeply regret that. There is such a history in our community of anti-Blackness in our community, and I would never want to contribute to that, so let me be very clear: Black women have long been the backbone of the Democratic Party, something we have seen played out in this election as well as previous ones.”

A sentiment almost echoed by Vice-President elect Kamala Harris, who has shouted out Black women and women of color for single-handedly helping the Biden Administration accomplish their victory and remove Trump from the White House.

“I want to speak directly to the Black women in our country,” Kamala Harris wrote. “Thank you. You are too often overlooked and yet are asked time and again to step up and be the backbone of our democracy. We could not have done this without you.”

While smaller percentages of Blacks and Latinas also voted for the Trump ticket, the white women problem in today’s political society is a much bigger issue. With early exit polling data showing a whopping 51% of white women voted for Trump during this year’s election, the numbers weren’t as jarring seeing how they help him land victory in 2016 against then political rival Hilary Clinton.

As the revolution continues to go forward, it would finally be great to see white women show up for Black women as we have in countless movements for change including the Women’s Sufferage movement. Black women cannot be threatened by the emergence of Latina women as a political force, we should continue to embrace them along with all women as partners in the movement to advance our collective agenda. Together we win, divided we fall.

“Finally, Black women don’t have to do it alone,” Eva Longoria wrote via Twitter. “Latina women and other women of color are standing with them and growing their voice and power. Together we are Unstoppable!!!”

It’s time for change.

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