Breath Work – In the recent months we have been introduced to Kundalini Breathing through @inkale.exkale. This is a breath work technique that we have been practicing and getting more comfortable with. Good for increasing energy, handling anxiety, and simply feeling your breathe.
Meditating – This is a practice that we are all probably very familiar with, whether we have tried it ourselves or know someone who has. There are a variety of different ways to practice this state of mindfulness and we have found that using a guided app is the best for us. A few of our favorite are – Headspace, Calm, Stop, Breathe, & Think
CBD – “The benefits of CBD are real, yet subtle. It can make some people feel pleasantly calm and refreshed, like they’ve just gotten a massage or taken a yoga class.” – Highline Wellness. This is our favorite for reducing anxiety, and aiding in sleep.
At Home Workouts – No matter the length or focus of workout you are looking for, Melissa Wood Health and Lia Bartha’s B Method are what we are doing to get our daily movement in!
Getting Sleep – Getting a good nights rest is so important in managing stress. It plays such a vital role in our mental, and physical health. Try getting 8 hours as often as you can!
Limit Alcohol – The effects that alcohol has on our body is not only apparent through a headache the next day, but also on our stress levels. The imbalance of hormones that it causes in our system impacts the way our body perceives stress and how it responds to it.
Limit Coffee – Try saying no to that second or even third cup a day. Caffeine is a stimulant and can put our bodies in to that fight or flight mode, increasing our anxiety. Trust me, we know how hard it is to say no to an almond cap in the afternoon!
Getting Outside – Walking is not only great exercise, but also a great way to get outside and decompress. The fresh air and movement is the perfect way to take a little break and take a deep breathe.