Arcade Fire appeared on Saturday Night Live this week, taking to the stage the night after the release of their new album WE. They performed “Unconditional (Lookout Kid)” and “The Lightning I, II” during the Benedict Cumberbatch-hosted episode. They also played “End of the Empire I-IV (Sagittarius A*)” as the credits rolled at the end of the show. After wrapping up their second song of the evening, Win Butler addressed the crowd with a message seemingly in support of abortion rights. “A woman’s right to choose forever and ever and ever, amen,” he said. Watch it all happen below.
This week’s SNL stop was the band’s fifth time as the musical guest on the show, following appearances in 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2018. Arcade Fire announced WE in March with the release of “The Lightning I, II.” They shared “Unconditional I (Lookout Kid)” from the album in April. Will Butler revealed news of his departure from the band within the same week of WE’s announcement, with bandleader Win Butler later telling Apple Music’s Zane Lowe that he was proud of his younger brother for “doing his own thing.” Last month, the band were a late addition to the Coachella lineup, performing in the Mojave Tent on April 15.
Arcade Fire are set to tour Europe and North America later this year, beginning in Dublin at the end of August. Beck will open for the band in North America, with Feist taking the support slot for their European dates. Post Malone is Saturday Night Live’s musical guest next week (May 14) alongside host Selena Gomez.
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