Source: Patrick McMullan / Getty
Wack 100 is out here being messy again as the music executive is claiming to be in possession of never before seen footage of the infamous sex tape of his former managing client Ray J and Kim Kardashian. Only this time, Kardashian is not having it.
According to Page Six, in the premiere episode of her family’s new Hulu series, The Kardashians, Kim catches wind of the salacious sex tape being resurrected back into trending celeb news and she immediately hops on the phone with attorney Marty Singer.
“Over my dead body is this happening again. I know the right attorneys this time and I’m not going to let this happen to me again,” she said to Singer. “I have all the time, all the money and all of the resources to burn them all the f**king ground.”
Kim went on to say that she will spare no expense to protect “myself for my reputation and my children’s sake.” Then she called Kanye West to unload about the drama, which is strange considering Kim and Kanye were supposedly estranged due to all their drama, but whatever.
Singer told Page Six that there’s really nothing to be alarmed about here anyway because there simply is no directors cut-like extra footage of the tape to begin with.
“The claim that there is an unreleased sex tape is unequivocally false,” Singer said. “It is unfortunate that people make these statements to try and get their 15 minutes of fame.”
Still, Wack 100 insists that the footage exists and that he has it.
“A message to @kimkardashian attorneys ask your client about ‘SANTA BARBARA’ & the signed deliverables for tape 1, 2 & 3 @rayj can’t control what I NOW control,” he wrote on his Instagram story. “If I hear 15 minutes of fame again I’ll be forced to display the Signed CONTRACTS #TRYME.”
Last September, Ray J himself denied the existence of a second sex tape, and, in late January this year, Kanye claimed he got Ray J’s laptop to ensure any video footage that might exist was intercepted and prevented from being released into the wilds and shared all over the virtual world.
“I went and got the laptop from Ray J myself that night,” Ye said. “I met this man at the airport, then got on a red-eye, came back [and] delivered it to her at 8 a.m. in the morning.”
A spokesperson for Kardashian did confirm that a laptop was obtained, but as far as the sex tape footage, the spokesperson essentially said, “Nah, if your ‘one wish” was for more Ray J and Kim sexy time video, there was none.”
OK, here’s what the spokesperson actually said:
“The computer and hard drive collected were supposed to contain the original video and any unseen footage. After review, there was nothing sexual unseen, only footage on the plane on the way to Mexico and footage at a club and restaurant on the same trip. Kim remains firm in her belief that there is no new second tape that exists. After 20 years, she truly wishes to move on from this chapter [and] focus instead on the positive things she continues to do as a mother, entrepreneur and advocate for justice reform.”
So, what do y’all think? Is Wack 100 out here clout-chasing, or do you think he’s really in possession of the footage?
I guess we’ll find out soon.
Tagged: entertainment blog, Kim Kardashian, music blog, Newsletter, Ray J, Uncategorized, wack 100