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VIDEO: I have done mine as trader, He is a Prof. He can de better than me, let him finish what I didn’t – Peter Obi to Soludo

VIDEO: I have done mine as trader, He is a Prof. He can de better than me, let him finish what I didn’t – Peter Obi to Soludo

The things I didn’t succeed in as a Governor, God has given Prof Charles Soludo the opportunity to succeed in them – Peter Obi reacts to Anambra Governor’s criticism

Speaking at an event organized by Lagos Business School on Tuesday, November 15, Peter Obi stated people should know that the investment he made on behalf of Anambra state, which Governor Soludo said is now worthless, is part of a global chain and the company it was invested in is still running. He also noted that the value of investments are rarely stable.

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Obi also said that he has done his bit as a trader and the Professor who is now governing Anambra state can improve on that and make lives of residents of the state better.



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