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Understanding gynosexuality, a lesser-known sexual orientation – The Indian Express

Understanding gynosexuality, a lesser-known sexual orientation - The Indian Express

Sexual orientation is an aspect of a person’s identity that refers to their sexual and/or romantic attraction to others. It is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses a wide range of experiences. emotions, and expressions. While the most commonly recognised sexual orientations are heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual, the sexuality spectrum stretches far beyond these traditional identities and includes an array of other orientations and preferences. One such is gynosexuality.

The prefix ‘gyno’ is derived from the Greek word ‘gynaika‘, meaning ‘woman’. As such, a gynosexual is a person who is attracted to someone who identifies as female or who expresses feminine characteristics.

“The simplest meaning of gynosexuality means having a preference and liking towards individuals with feminine expressions (feminine characteristics or feminine behaviour). It does not, however, necessarily have to be a woman, it could be any other gender with feminine qualities that one feels attracted to,” said Shinjini Deb, Clinical Psychologist, Kolkata, adding that gynosexuality mostly is considered to be the attraction toward the physical attributes and qualities of another.

Concurring, Aishwarya Raj, a clinical psychologist practising in Delhi-NCR, said that if you feel that you are primarily sexually attracted to women or feminity, and this attraction is a significant aspect of your sexual identity, you may identify as gynosexual.

gynosexuality If you’re unsure about how to identify yourself, you may want to speak with a trusted friend or a professional who can provide support and guidance (Source: Pixabay)

According to Bloom Community’s glossary of sex-positive terms, the term ‘gynosexual’ was first used by trans activists in 2014 as an alternative to the word ‘lesbian’ which has often been seen as exclusive of transgender women. “The term quickly gained traction in the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond due to its inclusive nature – it speaks specifically about gendered attractions without making assumptions about someone’s sex assigned at birth or body parts,” the website read.

Deb added that feeling attracted to feminine qualities is quite natural and there could be multiple reasons behind the same. “For example, a positive association as a child with female family members or friends and having a high regard for the warmth that feminity brings into their life. We all know that every individual has both male and female hormones present in a specific ratio and how it impacts the way we conduct or think. Embracing the good aspects of both enhances the way one feels about another person too. It is healthy to accept self and others in their true form and nature,” she explained.

Here’s how you can tell if you are gynosexual, as per Deb.


*Admiring the way the person talks or walks in a feminine manner
*Feeling attracted towards feminine physical features
*Appreciating the observable quality in another, which are feminine in nature

Raj, however, noted that sexual orientation is a personal and complex aspect of identity, and it’s okay to take time to explore and understand one’s feelings and attractions. “If you’re unsure about how to identify yourself, you may want to speak with a trusted friend or a professional who can provide support and guidance. Ultimately, the most important thing is to listen to your own feelings and to identify in a way that feels true and authentic to you,” she said.

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