Crypto Possibilities
Dear Miners,
It is important you understand how Crypto price movement work so you can maximize your income and not loose with untimely sale of your Cryptos.
Time is Key
With Crypto the time you buy and time you sell matters most. You must buy when price is low and sell when price is high. Buy when price is low and hold till you have X10 or x100 or x1,000 or X10,000 or x100,000. Even when selling only sell little and keep most for longer time. Wealth is measured by your holdings under lock and key. Not spending money. This means you need to hold long time to be really wealthy.
Some wallets have 10,000 Bitcoin, 5,000 Bitcoin, 1,000 Bitcoin. Same with Ethereum, and even Dogecoin, safemoon, BSC wallet. All have wallets with huge amount of token/coin never sold for long time. Now that is wealthy. That is whale lifestyle.
Buy Cheap & Hold
Do not envy wallet owners as you too can be a whale only if you hold. Buy cheap and hold and get x1,000! Your opportunity is here now. Do not let it pass you by.
$0.0003/$0.2 is cheap
$0.0005/$0.5 is cheap
$0.001/$1 is cheap
$0.01/$10 is cheap
X10 is better than nothing
The ball is in your court so play as you want. You buy and hold price will increase for you. You sell price will fall. More buyers means more price increase. More sellers means more price falls.
History Lessons
Mr. Paul bought Bitcoin at $10,000. He waited and price increase to $19,000. He did not sell.
Mr. Smith also bought Bitcoin at $10,000. We waited and price increase to $19,000.
Soon price start to fall and Mr. Smith sold all his Bitcoin at $12,000. He made profit at $2,000 each Bitcoin.
But Mr. Paul did not sell.
Price fall to $9,000
He did not sell
Price fall to $4,000
He did not sell still.
Guess what he did?
He bought more cheaper than he bought before! So he bought more at $4,000 more than he bought before. Now he has more Bitcoin than before.
Mr. Smith was happy with $2,000 profit.
Mr. Paul is a man with vision.
What Next?
Soon Bitcoin began to increase again.
Mr. Paul sold only 10% of his Bitcoin and got back all money spent to buy Bitcoin. The rest 90% is free money.
He said he will await about another 5 years for Bitcoin to be $500,000 before he will sell little more. This is how to be wealthy and rich not eat today and not plan for tomorrow.
Learn from Mr. Paul.
Be like Paul. He planted his seed and harvested many many seeds.
Run away from Mr. Smith
He eat his seed, and had nothing.
Holding Benefits
Mr. Paul is a whale
Mr. Smith a tiny little fish
Soon the shark comes and you know what happens to Mr. Smith.
Hold Good Token/Coin
It is important you also hold good project token/coin for very long time to really maximize your income as it can be slow as well. Good long time projects token take time to mature as lasting foundation is created for profitability.
Good Project Token/Coin
Eagle Network is one of the good project with long time plan and several use cases products developed and more planned to grow further. Already one year old since starting and so far doing well. I believe more good things is coming for us who hold for long and support!
I got 10,200 EGON already and will buy another 50,000 Egon listing day.
Opportunity comes and goes. Eagle core team is the best! Thank you Eagle Network for opening my eyes to crypto possibilities
Also I am a developer who would like to partner with Eagle Network project to launch my project soon. To list on EgonSwap Dex and CryptoKara Wallet will benefit my project and also Eagle community.
Written by – @CryptoAugur
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