Source: Biden For President / Youtube
The election cycle is coming down to the wire and the candidates are pulling out their respective final maneuvers before folks pull the lever in November. Joe Biden‘s camp enlisted the services of the Ultimate Rap League in a mock battle between tested veterans Charlie Clips and DNA as part of a nationwide get out the vote push.
The Biden For President team unveiled a new series of advertisements featuring Black men engaged in conversations centered around the impending presidential election between Biden and President Donald Trump. The ads, which will air in various battleground state markets beginning today (Oct. 13), also feature the aforementioned battle.
“Our campaign is focused on meeting voters where they are with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ message to build back better. These new GOTV ads reach a critical audience of Black voters that we’re hoping to turn out this election,” Kamau Marshall, Director of Strategic Communications for Biden for President offered in a press statement.
Clips and DNA, no strangers to each other, often referring to the other as a brother in the battle rap scene, go bar for bar about the importance of the vote with Clips playing the reluctant voter as DNA pleads with his rhyming partner on a basketball blacktop.
“Our collaboration with the Ultimate Rap League is an example of how our campaign is taking innovative approaches to engage the diverse communities across the United States,” Marshall added of the battle.
He adds, “These artists are influencers within their respective communities, and we’re thrilled to showcase their artistry while delivering a key message to voters about how a Biden-Harris administration would advance Black America.”
Check out Charlie Clips and DNA’s GOTV Rap Battle below.
Photo: YouTube