Source: Hartford Courant / Getty
All signs are pointing to Rona extending her stay in America and some organizations are taking heed. One of the premier collegiate institutions is bowing out of this year’s pigskin wars.
As spotted on Huffington Post the University of Connecticut has confirmed they will be cancelling their 2020-2021 football season. This is a monumental move as UConn is the first sports program at this level to bow out due to COVID-19 concerns. On Wednesday, August 5 Athletic Director David Benedict confirmed the rumors via a formal press announcement on the college’s website.
“After receiving guidance from state and public health officials and consulting with football student-athletes, we’ve decided that we will not compete on the gridiron this season,” he said. “The safety challenges created by COVID-19 place our football student-athletes at an unacceptable level of risk.”
According to head football coach Randy Edsall the organization heard their concerns of their players loud and clear. “We engaged and listened to the concerns of our football student-athletes and feel this is the best decision for their health, safety, and well-being,” he explained. “Our team is united in this approach and we will use this time to further player development within the program and gear ourselves to the 2021 season.”
The squad also agrees with the decision to sit out the season. “As a team we are in full support of the decision to not compete in 2020. We have many health concerns and not enough is known about the potential long term effects of contracting COVID-19. Additionally, we have not had the optimal time to train mentally & physically to be properly prepared to compete this season” they said.
UConn Athletics will be reaching out to season ticket holders and supporters in the coming days to further explain options and provide individualized solutions as needed including full refunds when requested.