Two contestants who participated in Netflix‘s Squid Game: The Challenge are threatening co-producer Studio Lambert with a lawsuit, alleging that they received injuries during filming.
Personal injuries law firm Express Solicitors stated in a press release that letters of claim have been sent to Studio Lambert. Deadline reports that contestants filmed the famed “Red Light, Green Light” game at at Cardington Studios in the United Kingdom during a cold snap, causing the two unnamed players to suffer from hypothermia and nerve damage. Netflix confirmed during shooting that three out of 456 players needed medical attention, but no additional information was shared.
Express Solicitors added that the players put their health at risk as they had to stay still for long periods of time during filming in order to stay in the game. “We recognise people may see this as a classic David and Goliath battle with the company and its production partners,” CEO Daniel Slade said. “Contestants thought they were taking part in something fun and those injured did not expect to suffer as they did. Now they have been left with injuries after spending time being stuck in painful stress positions in cold temperatures.”
A rep for the series confirmed as of writing that “[n]o lawsuit has been filed by any of the Squid Game contestants. We take the welfare of our contestants extremely seriously.”
The series is a real-life version of the popular South Korean TV series (without the deaths) and requires players to go through the same challenges show in the series. The winner will win a whopping $4.56 million USD prize — Netflix’s largest cash prize in reality TV history.
Elsewhere in entertainment, take a look at everything coming to and leaving Netflix in December 2023.