There are hundreds of thousands of influencers in the social ether, but only a handful who we religiously stalk in order to virtually steal the clothes off their backs. Our primary target is Monikh—the London-based styling and shopping guru who seeks out the very coolest buys from every corner of the retail world. From her inspiring tips on re-wearing her well-chosen investment items to hunting down the coolest high-street pieces, her Instagram feed @monikh and website are a veritable hotbed of things you’re going to want to purchase immediately (and will never regret). Each month, Monikh will share her new picks exclusively for you…
It may only be mid-February, but I’m well and truly into the Spring vibe. With the weather entering double figures for the first time in months and daffodils making an appearance, I am now really excited for a new spring wardrobe.
I’ve packed away the duvet coats and joggers, and I’m happy to not set eyes on them until next winter. This lockdown really has taken out the magic of the lounge suit for me. And I’ll be replacing them with colour, texture and lots of layered florals, because in my opinion florals really are ground-breaking every single spring.The start of the year is a great time to clear out your wardrobe, keep those classic staples, the pieces that make you smile and feel like you. Then maybe sell or donate the others, and then replace them with new pieces to carry you through this spring and beyond.
To help you decide on those replacements, here’s this month’s Trust Monikh where I bring you chic forever pieces that I promise will work harder than any other in your wardrobe. And because we’re still in lockdown, I’ve included some beauty and homeware buys too.