Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington have announced that their online TV series On Cinema is coming back for its 13th season, beginning October 26 on Hei Network. Instead of the usual On Cinema at the Cinema billing, however, the new season will be called On Cinema and More in the Morning, which a press release describes as “a morning show geared towards a wide range of entertainment news.”
The world surrounding Heidecker and Turkington’s On Cinema has become increasingly complicated, with feuds and storylines that stretch beyond the confines of the show. There is also additional programming, such as Deck of Cards, a 45-minute special that, in the On Cinema universe, was conceived by Turkington’s fictionalized character but usurped and completed by Heidecker’s fictionalized character. The two hash out their differences in another new special, Deck of Cards: What Went Wrong?, which is available on Hei Network.
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