Thom Yorke has shared a solo rendition of Radiohead’s “Bloom” for a new Greenpeace ad. Check out the video, which is part of Shark Week, a campaign to protect the oceans, below. “In the last 50 years the global shark population has plummeted by 70 percent,” the video description notes. “Sharks are being wiped out by overfishing for profit. But our oceans can recover if we protect them.” The rendition is taken from a 2019 Yorke solo performance.
Back in 2017, Radiohead collaborated with Hans Zimmer to rework “Bloom” for the BBC series Blue Planet II. That version, recorded with the BBC Concert Orchestra, was retitled “Ocean (Bloom).” Earlier this year, Yorke shared new solo songs “5.17” and “That’s How Horses Are,” as well as his album with Jonny Greenwood and Tom Skinner, the Smile’s A Light for Attracting Attention.
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CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the rendition of “Bloom” was new; in fact, it was recorded in 2019.

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