Like most people, I’m picky with scents. I know instantly if I’m compatible with a scent or if it’s going to grate on me, and if I’m near someone wearing a heady scent I have to move or I’ll start to brew a headache. I have my favourite perfumes, roll-ons and oils and it takes a really special scent to make its way into my collection because of this. As much as I love testing fresh launches, newer perfumes rarely catch my eye, or nose– but I do make exceptions for Byredo scents. I currently have three of the brand’s perfumes in my collection, which I rotate depending on my mood and the season. Blanche is for fresh spring days, Mumbai Noise for hot summer nights and Bal D’Afrique is my all seasons go-to day scent. The brand’s latest launch, De Los Santos sounded like it would work its way into my collection and as soon as I smelt it, I know it would have a place forever.

Tagged: fragrance