According to Healthline, we have several ways to help the body recover from stress, depression, and even heart disease. However, lack of physical intimacy, especially for adults, can put the health of the body at risk of certain diseases.
Lack of physical intimacy can cause several reactions that could be surprising. Some reactions are caused by a decrease in testosterone and other hormones, which can lead to an increase in body fat and an inability to concentrate. After a while, the changes may start to appear in the body.
lack of physical intimacy can put the body at risk of getting these diseases and more. Lack of physical intimacy can cause the body Click “HERË” To Read The FullWrite-up On Ourweb
Tweet Tweet Share Whatsapp reddit According to Healthline, we have several ways to help the body recover from stress, depression, and even heart disea [See the full post at: Things That Can Happen To The Body Due To Lack Of Sex]
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