From Dior’s saddlebag to Chanel’s timeless 2.55, there’s no shortage of cult favourites when it comes to handbags. For many women, a designer bag is the ultimate fashion investment and often becomes the item that is worn and cherished most within our wardrobes. While I have lofty dreams about one day owning a coveted Hermès Birkin or investing in an of-the-moment Prada Cleo bag, I also find myself wondering, Which bags are other women interested in? More specifically, what’s trending among the style set in London right now?
As luck would have it, a few weeks back, I was able to discover my answer. Tasked with street style–spotting on East London’s Broadway Market for another article, I came across several chic residents with the kind of bags dreams are made of from the likes of Gucci, Chloé, Loewe and more.