At some point in the past few years, skincare got very technical. Arguably, it started with Clarisonic’s innovative cleaning brush just over a decade ago in 2009, but even then, it was only diehard beauty fans who invested. Today, while we might all be up on our vitamin C and hyaluronic acids, when it comes to gadgets, we’re not all there. At the beginning of 2020, however, the Business of Fashion reported that plenty of huge beauty brands were getting in on the tech scene. Then, the pandemic hit, and while in recessions lipstick sales notoriously go up, this time it was skincare that had the boost, not makeup, which provided a perfect storm for people to invest in skincare gadgets.
According to CurrentBody, an online beauty retailer for skincare products, gadgets are one of the “fastest-growing trends in the world of beauty,” and bathrooms are becoming increasingly more futuristic. Beauty technology can be a bit of an investment, so it’s best to ask yourself what your skin really needs. Advanced cleansing, anti-ageing, and acne prevention have all been given a tech update, and spa techniques such as microneedling, LED therapy, and dermaplaning have been refined for at-home use, which, let’s face it, has been ideal for 2020.
And we’ve seen plenty getting in on the action, too, at least it looked that way on social media over the past few months. As our social lives slowed down, our skin routines became even more intensive. Between LED light mask therapy and nifty microneedling tools, enthusiasts appeared to have amped up their skincare routines with some pretty intensive tech. Admittedly, some of it looked a little medieval or reserved for the likes of braver beauty lovers like Gwyneth Paltrow. The big question is, Which of these newly popular beauty gadgets actually make your skin glow?
Personally, I use a facial steamer every other week. My mother always encouraged me to do regular face and hair steams to help open my pores and relax, and the method has stuck. I use the Hangsun Facial Steamer with an essential oil and unwind—I love the “just finished a great session at the gym” dewy glow it gives me. You may have also spotted the Cult Beauty LED light therapy mask doing the rounds on social media. It did give me a fright when it first showed up on my Instagram feed. However, it’s inspired by spa-based LED treatments, and Cult Beauty says the mask can actually stimulate cell repair and help improve acne.
If you’re not sure where to start, here are some beauty gadgets that actually make your skin glow. So keep scrolling for our recommendations and then shop the newest gadgets that have just launched.
Next up, The Best Beauty Advent Calendars to Buy This Christmas