Consequence Staff
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<span class="localtime" data-ltformat="F j, Y | g:ia" data-lttime="2021-04-22T12:20:09+00:00“>April 22, 2021 | 8:20am ET
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Psychoanalysis is a weekly series on the Consequence Podcast Network that takes an in-depth look at a mental health topic through the lens of horror.
Today, Jenn, Mike, and Lara are joined in the clearing by Chandler Bullock for an uplifting Comfort Horror episode on Robert Eggers’s horrific folktale, The VVitch. Wouldst thou like the taste of comfort horror? A new episode? Wouldst thou like to pod deliciously?
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They’ll discuss evil goats, insufferable twins, and comically large piles of firewood. The conversation ranges from hubris and parental love to the concept of evil and patriarchal control. So sign your name in the book and follow the mysterious hare into the woods for a comfort horror folktale!
Stream the episode above and subscribe to the series now. Also be sure to follow the Consequence Podcast Network for updates surrounding future programming.
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Further reading
— Watching The Witch with Two Actual Witches
— Female Freedom and Fury in The Witch
— The Devil is in the Details in Robert Eggers’ ‘The Witch’
— Live Video Online Escape Room