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The spiritual rule of Lotto numbers revealed

The spiritual rule of Lotto numbers revealed

The rule of spiritual lotto numbers has been unveiled by a powerful spiritualist during an encounter with him on questions and answers.

The spiritualist revealed that many people playing lotto game didn’t understand the rules especially when numbers were given to them by a spiritualist.

According to the spiritualist those who understand the rules have made millions of naira without stress, but some of them fails to make it because they are not aware of the rules guiding the lotto game.

As a spiritualist,it is quite dishearten when lotto numbers were given to people who succeeded in first attempt and cannot make it again is due to the underlying secret involves in the game.

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When further asked, he explained that as a game player who want to win at all times.You stake for your self and stake for me. That is the simple and logical rule. The spiritualist simply said those who only stake for themselves cannot win at all times especially when a spiritualist is involved.

The spiritualist who is in charge of QUEEN MOTHER HEALING HOME, PHONE 07017419907 said not every spiritualist is an expert, but he specializes the game because it is a gift from above with the addition of spiritual training when he was young.

The spiritualist who hails from Imo state enumerated the number of times he helped people to win the game at his early age urged the doubting Thomas to try and see for themselves with a little stake with him.

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He reiterated that the rules of the lotto game is to play for yourself and play for me when spiritual number were given to you. Many players only think of themselves without thinking of the person who gave them numbers to play.The lotto game is forbidden it spiritually.

He advised people not to be selfish because selfishness results self destruction and self deception. Honestly speaking,His explanation made me to request for spiritual lotto numbers from him and he promised to give me the numbers the following day. As early as possible,I went back to him as promised and some spiritual numbers were given to me.

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Obviously,as a first time player ,I stake for my self and stake for him.when the results came out i couldn’t hold my joy. The results was fantastic and since that day up till now i became a regular customer to the game and the spiritualist.

I am giving this testimony today not to entice you, but to let you know that there are rules guiding spiritual lotto numbers given to people by a spiritualist.A trial will definitely convince you and you will not regret your action.



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    Tweet Tweet Share Whatsapp reddit The rule of spiritual lotto numbers has been unveiled by a powerful spiritualist during an encounter with him on que
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