To put it simply it’s all about It bags, It bags and more It bags. Plus the occasional Chanel earring thrown in for good measure. Everyone I spoke to from Lyst to sellers over at Depop told me that people were after vintage bags from the major designers.
Depop seller, basementsix revealed they’d sold three vintage nova check Burberry bags in the last two weeks. But vintage nylon Prada shoulder bags were still proving popular. This was a similar theme elsewhere with Lyst also finding that searches were spiking for the classic Prada ’90s tote, as did Vestiaire Collective.
Another extremely popular bag with increasing demand is Louis Vuitton’s pochette monogram bag, seeing purchases across Vestiaire Collective, Open for Vintage, and Depop. Classic bags from Gucci (the Jackie), Dior (the saddle bag) and Hermès (the Birkin) are also becoming more popular too. And if It bags aren’t your thing, then Open for Vintage also revealed that Chanel earrings were also being snapped up by buyers.
Away from luxury, Beyond Retro also told me that their customers are looking for more comfortable items. A soaring interest in fleeces and knits, with comfort being key for many of their shoppers. Shop key pieces, below.