So what’s the difference between CBD and hemp oil? Turns out, quite a lot. “The most common mistake is confusing hempseed oil, also known as cannabis sativa seed oil, with CBD, which is usually found in ingredient lists as ‘CBD isolate’ or ‘cannabidiol.’ These are two separate ingredients from the same plant, hemp, and deliver distinct skincare benefits,” explains Loureiro. In essence, whereas CBD addresses the many skin issues discussed already, hempseed oil is far more focused on providing hydration for dry skin.
However, while there is a huge buzz around CBD oil right now (with fans advocating for the way that it combats everything from anxiety and period pains to hormonal breakouts and eczema), consultant dermatologist Justine Kluk was keen to point out that it’s still in the early days: “The potential benefits of CBD on the skin sound very promising, but the evidence base is still pretty limited at present. There is, however, lots of research interest in this area now, so hopefully, we won’t have to wait too long to see if the effects are real or just early hype.”