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The Jig Is Up: Elon Musk Is Being Called A Fake Gamer & Accused of Paying Someone To Max Out His ‘Path of Exile 2″ Builds

The Jig Is Up: Elon Musk Is Being Called A Fake Gamer & Accused of Paying Someone To Max Out His 'Path of Exile 2" Builds

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Elon Musk claims to be a top-tier gamer, but gamers aren’t so sure about that based on his Path of Exile 2 streaming footage.

Musk somehow found a way to squeeze in a lot of time to play Path of Exile 2 despite spending most of his time kissing Donald Trump’s ass t Mar-a-Lago and supposedly pushing to make America efficient again.

While streaming himself playing the game with two extremely high-ranking builds on hardcore mode, which features a permadeath mechanic permanently killing your character if you die, gamers noticed something very peculiar: his lack of skill.

Watching Musk clumsily navigate the game despite having a high-ranking character raised gamers’ eyebrows, leading many to question whether he is a gaming god.

After some investigation, the answer is a resounding no. Gamers, including popular Twitch streamer Asmongold, have called him a “fake gamer” and accused him of paying someone to grind the game for him or as one YouTube commenter called it, “fraudmaxing.”

Per Vulture:

The key evidence that Musk doesn’t know what he’s doing is as follows: Musk burns past the high-value items while picking up the worthless ones; Musk seemingly does not know which icon to click on to enter a map; Musk doesn’t seem to realize that he needs to replenish his mana (essentially his magic levels) in order to deal effective damage against a boss (it is unfathomable that he should not know how to do this if he’s played even an hour of any RPG); worst of all, and certainly the most painful to watch for a seasoned Path of Exile 2 player, is the way Musk — supposed veteran PC gamer — inefficiently drags and drops loot into his inventory.

Musk, being the man-child he is, also unfollowed Asmongold, stripped him of his verified status and shared the DMs they exchanged with each other.



What a loser.

Now you see why we call him Phony Stark.

You can see more reactions in the gallery below.

2. Fake a** gamer

3. Lol, bruh

4. What a child

5. We didn’t either, but the behaivor is surprising

6. Thin-skinned indeed

8. Caught in 4K

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