The ancient Roman Thermopolium (fast food bar) that was first excavated by archaeologists in 2019, is now open for the public’s viewing. The site is located at Pompeii’s Regio V site and is remarkably well-preserved — full of frescoes and still lifes, such as a Nereid riding a horse.
Similar to how our fast food establishments display their offerings today, you can find a similar offering, but in a way more simplified manner. Instead of a chicken sandwich, you can get, well, a chicken or duck, beans or wine within a “dolia,” which are storage containers on the counter.
Despite being consumed by volcanic ash in 79 A.D., this ancient fast food bar is “excavated in its entirety,” said Massimo Osanna, interim director general of Parco Archeologico di Pompeii in a past statement. It is the first time a site like this has been so preserved, which allows researchers “to carry out all the analyses that today’s technology permits,” he added.
This Thermopolium will be open to the public starting on August 12, from 12 to 7pm everyday of the week. But those far from Italy, get a closer look at the excavation in the video below.
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