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The beauty with artificial turf grass

The beauty with artificial turf grass

The beauty with artificial turf grass


Artificial green wall at the Nairobi Turfgrass Shop in Kilimani (left) and Pierra Makena’s balcony at her home in Lavington in these photos taken on July 5, 2023. PHOTOS | BILLY OGADA | NMG

Artificial grass is an easy escape if you want to avoid the hustle that comes with taking care of natural grass. Not only does it give your place an even green colour but it is also very versatile.

Rhys Mirindo, proprietor of Nairobi Turfgrass, tells us, “When I started in 2021, people would put the artificial grass only on the balconies and restaurants. Right now it has become very adaptable as people are now embracing them in schools, spas, reception areas, kids’ play areas, offices, bars and offices.”


Artificial green wall with neon lights as pictured on July 5, 2023, at Nairobi Turfgrass shop in Kilimani, Nairobi. PHOTO | BILLY OGADA | NMG

There are different types of artificial grass that depend on the thickness and the pile height of the actual grass blades.

The difference is propelled by the fact that there are different applications of the grass. “The shorter ones are recommended for high traffic areas like restaurants and cafes, school playgrounds because of maintenance issues as it is easy to maintain.”

The lush and thick artificial grass is best suited for more private spaces including your private balcony, and private lounges.

“It is not in use as much so not much debris falls on it. It is a bit softer and is easy to have when you are having few people using it,” Mr Mirindo tells the BDLife.

There is also the two-tone grass that looks like real grass that is thicker and has some shade of brown.

“It mimics the real grass. It is very popular in play areas and your home landscaping. You do not want to put something in your compound and feel that it is plastic,” says Mr Mirindo.

“There are four common types of artificial grass used in Kenya. Some very thin ones are not very suited for our customers. There is the 25mm, 30mm, 40mm and 50 mm grass.”

Why Artificial grass?

“I stumbled on this business. Before 2021 I had real plants growing on my balcony. I sought to commercialise the business but I did not reap much as the market was already saturated with real plants. Real plants are everywhere.”

When this failed Mr Mirindo decided to get into the artificial grass business. “I first bought locally, then I started importing.” The grass is imported from China and Turkey.

“With time I have been able to grow in the artificial grass business. I learnt what worked, what did not work. There were times I imported bad quality grass and ended up suffering losses,” he says.


Pierra Makena’s balcony as pictured on July 5, 2023, in Lavington, Nairobi. PHOTO | BILLY OGADA | NMG

The cost of artificial grass depends on the size. The cost ranges from Sh2,200 to Sh3,200 per square metre.

Mr Mirindo’s biggest project earned him a whopping Sh2.5 million.

“It was a project for installing artificial grass at the KCB Leadership Centre in one of the VIP lounges, which was about 1,000 square metres.

Most of our projects have got us between 100,000 and Sh500,000.


The ceiling of the Nairobi Turfgrass Shop in Kilimani as pictured on July 5, 2023. PHOTO | BILLY OGADA | NMG

Can you roll it on your whole compound?

While he answers in the affirmative Mr Mirindo says your compound must meet a minimum threshold for the artificial grass to be rolled out on your whole backyard space.

“Ground preparation must be done before the turf can be laid. Ground preparation entails the placing of three layers of material that are laid and compacted together. You place the hardcore, the concrete and the sand together.”

After getting the layering correct, the draining should be done correctly by putting drainage channels before the turf can be laid.

“The drainage is essential as it gives the water an escape route when you wash the grass and when it rains. The grass has perforated holes at the bottom. The ground preparation can take up to two weeks,” says Mr Mirindo.


Rhys Mirindo, the CEO of the Nairobi Turfgrass Shop poses for a photo at his shop in Kilimani on July 5, 2023. PHOTO | BILLY OGADA | NMG

Why the sudden rise in demand?

The increase or resultant use of artificial grass has been propelled by the drought that the country experienced. “During January is when I got to reap very big as it was very sunny. People ended up having trouble with their lawns as nothing seemed to be working even after watering, therefore, they opted for artificial grass,” he says.

With artificial grass, very little maintenance is required as long as the installers get everything right.

“After installation, all you will need to do is sweep the grass and use the water whenever you feel that it is dusty. Artificial grass can last you as long as 10 to 15 years without fading and maintain its colour throughout the years.

“It all depends on where you purchase it from, who installs it for and the grass thickness that you choose. When you acquire cheap grass and install it without the technical know-how it will not last long,” says Mr Mirindo. 

Artificial green wall

The artificial green wall has been there for a long time but people have not embraced it. However, right now they are picking up pace as decorations for homes and restaurants. The green walls are hung in a room and appear like a beautiful art piece that embraces nature.

“We get the green walls from our suppliers in China and we pick something that is lush and looks real.”

A panel of artificial grass costs Sh9,999 for a size of one metre by one metre. People also like combining the green wall with neon signs.

Why pick artificial grass over natural grass?

Artificial grass comes with peace of mind. “You do not want to stress on watering, birds, dogs coming to dig up your space and scattering soil everywhere,” the Nairobi Turfgrass owner tells us.

It is also very easy to install as no watering is needed. It gives your balcony a backyard feeling transferring it from a concrete jungle and into your safe space.

A majority of Mr Mirindo’s clients are corporates and individual end users with balconies and backyards. “Increasingly we have noticed that it is being accepted in bars, restaurants and nightclubs,” he says.

DJ Pierra Makena is a user and ambassador for artificial grass. In her apartment in Lavington, she has artificial grass placed on the floor of her balcony.


Pierra Makena poses for a photo on July 5, 2023, at her home balcony in Lavington, Nairobi. PHOTO | BILLY OGADA | NMG

“I love nature, I like being outside so having the artificial grass gives me the calm feeling that comes with being outside. Sometimes when I come from work I just want a place to chill and this balcony has become that safe space for me. I also work on my playlists from here,” she says.

Ms Makena also reads from the balcony, it’s a play area for her daughter and a place to host her guests. For Sh65,000, she was able to have artificial grass installed on her balcony.

Her next project is to get the hanging green walls for her balcony walls. 

Many people opt for artificial grass to escape the tedious maintenance that comes with natural grass.

“It is the easiest to maintain. Since I installed it three months ago I have not had to do much to it apart from the usual sweeping. Before the artificial grass, I used to have a carpet and it was a series of daily cleaning,” Makena tells BDLife.

However, the celebrated DJ acknowledges that when she has adequate land where she can have an outside compound she wouldn’t mind growing natural grass.

Critics of artificial grass argue that when it gets hot, the grass could get so dangerously hot that it may result in posing a burning risk. This then becomes very dangerous to young children who use the grass as a play area.

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