The Apple Card experienced an outage on Wednesday that reportedly affected users’ ability to make payments, manage their cards, and see recent transactions, according to Apple’s status page. Interruption in service appears to have started at 6:17AM PT today and lasted for a little over five hours, ending at 12:19PM PT.
Apple’s credit card solution is managed almost entirely through the built-in Wallet app in iOS, where users can pay off their credit card bill, see recent transactions, and make payments through Apple Pay. Apple said that all users were affected by today’s outage, but it wasn’t clear if every user experienced all of the possible issues the company reported.
My colleague Mitchell Clark was able to pay off a portion of their bill and see the transaction show up in the Wallet app during the outage, so it’s possible the issues were slowly fixed over time, or never as widespread as Apple warned.
Apple never provided comment on the actual size or scope of the problem, but the status page says the issues is resolved, and you should be able to use your card like normal.
Update June 2nd, 2:25PM ET: Added information about Apple Card usage and updated the duration of the outage.
Update June 2nd, 4:34PM ET: Added that the outage has ended.