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Teng Yung Han Ruminates on the Meaning of Dreams in ‘Auguries of Innocence’

Teng Yung Han Ruminates on the Meaning of Dreams in ‘Auguries of Innocence’

Teng Yung Han is a Taiwanese artist whose DIY aesthetic often mixes pornographic visuals with found imagery from old text books and comic illustrations. In conjunction with WHAAM! Gallery, Teng presents her latest solo exhibition Auguries of Innocence in New York.

Well-known in the zine community, Teng’s latest body of work was inspired by the idea of dreams and their meaning in our universe. Always rooted in both lived experience and a sense of mystery, dreams operate in a sort of contradictory state. So does the work of Teng, who deliberately juxtaposes conflicting images and artistic techniques to navigate the man-made world in which her art exists.

Taking its title from William Blake’s 1863 poem of the same name, Teng’s Auguries of Innocence is a way for her to critique her own persona. Through paintings and mixed-media sculptures, she showcases a physical embodiment of her own hyper-awareness of how she is perceived. The exhibition will go on view at WHAAM! Gallery from June 17 to July 15.

Elsewhere, Futura will release the latest iteration of Pointman.

WHAAM! Gallery
15 Elizabeth St # 113,
New York, NY 10013

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