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Ted Pim Surveys the Framework of Transformation in ‘Never Odd or Even’

Ted Pim Surveys the Framework of Transformation in ‘Never Odd or Even'

Northern Irish artist Ted Pim is showcasing a new solo exhibition of paintings at Almine Rech‘s London outpost. The Belfast-based artist creates meticulously detailed compositions that reference art historical periods, such as the Dutch 17th century and Italian Renaissance, but recontextualized with contemporary cultural and sartorial depictions.

Never Odd or Even is Pim’s second solo show with the gallery and reflects on mythology tied to mirrors and transformation. The exhibition makes allusion to Irish folklore, in which reflective surfaces are often covered in fear of any deceased souls escaping through the ether. By repurposing the works of Old Masters, Pim surveys the concept of transformation through abstracted duplications, mixing pictorial motifs from the Renaissance and Baroque periods with imagery from contemporary fashion magazines and Irish mythology.

“Their symmetry,” write journalist Sophie Naufal, “echoes the cyclical structure of existence, hinting at an underlying message of the exhibition that as much as we transform history, always repeats.”

The exhibition is on view in London until May 18.

Almine Rech
Broadbent House,
Grosvenor Hill, London W1K 3JH

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