Comedy Central has pulled a Workaholics episode featuring the disgraced comic Chris D’Elia from the show’s library on Hulu, Amazon Prime, and the network’s own website and streaming app, as Slashfilm reports. The episode in question is “To Friend a Predator” from the debut season of Workaholics which originally aired on May 25th, 2011. In the episode, D’Elia plays a character named Topher, an alleged child molester that lurks a Justin Bieber fansite. Clearly, not a good look for the network given the recent allegations made against D’Elia. Last week, the stand-up comic was accused of numerous incidents of sexual misconduct, many of which involve a number of underage girls. Comedy Central didn’t stop at Workaholics, though. As Slashfilm points out, the network has also comple...