39.7Kshares 0 39.7K 0 0 0 0 0 CORONAVIRUS, WHAT IS IT WITH MY VISION 2020? Is this not year 2020 we’ve been waiting forever for? Maybe it is, or maybe it’s not. Yes the calendars claim we are in 2020. If the calendars are correct, this is the year when half the world expected dreams to find reality without much ado. Just when we were dotting our small i(s) and crossing our capital T(s) and seemed to be getting it right with our drive, suddenly the earthquake called Coronavirus hit us at a Richter scale beyond measurements any one has ever seen. Except you did not have your vision 2020, you can as well excuse yourself from the pain others are experiencing knowing that 2020 may just not be the year when that much anticipated shift will happen. I feel for you who wrote all that big ambitions ...