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How to Master the Art of Buying Clothes on Depop, and Yes, It’s an Art

People always seem surprised when I tell them that almost 50 percent of my wardrobe comes from Depop, but it’s honestly the truth. I joined the app seven years ago, around the time that I was getting ready for my year 11 prom. I bought a red dress from Depop for £14, had it tailored, and the rest is history. Since then, my Depop finds have gotten more and more impressive, and I find myself using the app to shop more than I use any other ecommerce site. Over the years, I’ve bought a Gucci notebook, Vetements shirt, Saint Laurent slides, and a brand new Fiorucci T-shirt from the app that, altogether, retail at well over £2,000. I, however, spent a fraction of that price and now continue to use Depop as my go-to for finding affordable designer items. As a seasoned shopper, I must ...

5 Ways to Make Your Wardrobe More Sustainable and Ethical (but Still Fashion Forward) in 2021

We’re all familiar with New Year’s resolutions like working out more or drinking less; but in 2021, it may be time to consider a sartorial goal of shopping more ethically when it comes to fashion. In the UK, 30-percent of the clothing in our wardrobes are never worn, according to a report by Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). In addition to that, the coronavirus pandemic hit fast fashion’s supply chain at its most vulnerable point in 2020, exposing how little garment workers are being paid, and how much they are being exploited by brands that are raking in millions. Add that to the fact that the fashion industry contributes to 10-percent of humanity’s carbon emissions and is the second biggest drain on the world’s water supply — it makes you realise ...

How Kate Moss, the Original Thrifter, Inspired Me to Shop Second Hand

Image Source: Getty Images/Mark Boland When you think of supermodels, your mind probably springs to gorgeous women draped in designer clothes. But when you think of supermodel Kate Moss, perhaps you think of her propensity for animal print, her undying love of black, and her extensive vintage and recycled wardrobe. Way before Macklemore sang about the wonders of thrift shopping, Kate Moss already understood the staying power of clothes that had survived various owners, years, and trends. After being spotted at JFK Airport, she was introduced as a model in the “3rd Summer of Love” issue of The Face at only 16 years old. Moss’s foray into the spotlight was quick and early. However, she didn’t abandon her second-hand style, and her arrival on the scene was heralded as ...