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The Death Metal Band Unafraid to Have a Good Time

There are two reasons you should be paying attention to Rochester right now. The first is RXK Nephew, the workaholic rapper whose “American Tterroristt” is bar none the most insane song I’ve heard recently. (Yes, I’m late.) The other is death metal quintet Undeath, who do not work at the prolific pace RXK Nephew does but are by no means slouches. They are one of the most exciting newer death metal bands, as they don’t adhere to either to ultra-orthodox simplicity or bonkers technicality. Rather, Undeath pepper their songs with slight twists, little leads and breaks that make you go “huh?” for a split second before you resume headbanging/windmilling/nodding/however you move your head when you listen to death metal. It lends to a macabre joy, and lest you might think they’re aching to s...