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20 best travel apps to download in 2024 | Atlas & Boots

As travel writers, we're often asked about our favourite travel apps. For a long time, we stuck to old and reliable apps that performed prosaic functions like looking up locations or booking accommodation. The post 20 best travel apps to download in 2024 appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

Ranked: best American national parks for wildlife watching | Atlas & Boots

A canyon large enough to influence the weather, a hotbed of volcanic activity and an eerie desert landscape home to one of the hottest places on Earth. Yes, American national parks boast some of the most astounding natural wonders on the planet. The post Ranked: best American national parks for wildlife watching appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

Does using trekking poles really help? | Atlas & Boots

On a recent trek through the Fann Mountains of Tajikistan, one of our group completed the nine-day foot journey without poles. At some point during the trek, every one of us asked him why he didn't have them (I'm sure he grew tired of fielding the question) and took turns to espouse the myriad benefits of their use. The post Does using trekking poles really help? appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

Countries that eat the most meat – ranked

The countries that eat the most meat are causing the most damage to the planet. It’s time to take responsibility and change the habits of a lifetime. There is very little to debate on the subject anymore. Simply put, the world must reduce the amount of meat it eats. In 2011, the world population reached seven billion and it's now around 7.7 billion. That figure is expected to reach 10 billion around 2050. As the global population continues to skyrocket, the planet simply cannot sustain its current levels of meat production. The use of land for growing food and forestry accounts for about a quarter of all global greenhouse gas emissions. That's roughly the same as from electricity and heating, and substantially more than from all the trains, planes and automobiles on the planet. The post Co...

Ranked: safest countries in the world 2023

Iceland is once again the safest country in the world followed by Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand and Austria. However, the world is a less peaceful place as the average level of global peacefulness has deteriorated for the ninth year in a row, with 84 countries recording an improvement and 79 a decline, according to the latest Global Peace Index (GPI). The post Ranked: safest countries in the world 2023 appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

Star Wars film locations: how to find the Force in Tunisia

With over 1,000km of golden sandy beaches, non-stop sunshine and the glittering Mediterranean Sea, tourists have flocked to Tunisia for decades. Beyond the beach resorts, there are superbly preserved Roman ruins, ancient towns with bustling medinas and dusty courtyards and of course, the abandoned film sets and settings of four of the six iconic Star Wars movies. The post Star Wars film locations: how to find the Force in Tunisia appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

The Last Tourist review: three startling moments | Atlas & Boots

The Last Tourist exposes the many flaws of tourism, but these three moments struck us especially hard The role of the modern tourist is on trial in a new documentary. The Last Tourist combines insight from travel and environmental experts with a series of first-hand accounts to highlight the harmful practices that global tourism supports and encourages. The post The Last Tourist review: three startling moments appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

How to start a travel blog – a professional guide

At Atlas & Boots, we are periodically approached for advice on how to start a travel blog. To help future bloggers, we have put our knowledge into a comprehensive but concise guide below. This covers not only the technical aspects of starting a travel blog but also the editorial, helping you to plan, maintain and grow your blog in a professional way. Without further preamble, let’s begin. The post How to start a travel blog – a professional guide appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

How to train for mountaineering: a seven-step plan

I climbed my first high-altitude mountain back in 2010. At 5,895m (19,340ft), Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest peak, and, while I had some hillwalking behind me, I had no prior experience of trekking at altitude, wasn’t fit enough and didn’t have the right gear. In hindsight, I was fortunate to make the summit considering I was so underprepared. The post How to train for mountaineering: a seven-step plan appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

10 beauty tips for long-term travellers

After 70 countries and seven continents, Kia shares her tried-and-tested beauty tips for other long-term travellers When I quit my desk job nearly a decade ago and set off on a trip around the world, I was rightly excited but also naive. I thought that life on the road would free me of the so-called ‘beauty tax’ The post 10 beauty tips for long-term travellers appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

77 most inspirational travel quotes ever penned

Our favourite inspirational travel quotes that encouraged us to travel – with abandon – over the years. Maybe they will do the same for you… For us, there is no such thing as luxury travel; travel is, by default, a luxury. It is a privilege provided by the country of our birth, a privilege that many are not as fortunate to enjoy. The post 77 most inspirational travel quotes ever penned appeared first on Atlas & Boots.

Ranked: happiest countries in the world 2023

The happiest countries in the world 2022 have been ranked and for the fifth year running, Finland is the happiest country in the world The post Ranked: happiest countries in the world 2023 appeared first on Atlas & Boots.