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Charles Hoskinson cheekily admits: ‘I was wrong’ about DApp rollout

Co-founder of the Cardano blockchain Charles Hoskinson has cheekily admitted that his July 2020 forecast of the number of DApps coming to the blockchain has not yet come to fruition.  Referring to his famed July 2020 tweet, Hoskinson tweeted on Mar. 23, “Remember when I predicted thousands of assets and DApps on Cardano? Well I was wrong, there are now millions of native assets issued and DApps are now in the hundreds. #SlowAndSteady.” Remember when I predicted thousands of assets and DApps on Cardano? Well I was wrong, there are now millions of native assets issued and DApps are now in the hundreds. #SlowAndSteady https://t.co/mK4So6NHa1 — Charles Hoskinson (@IOHK_Charles) March 23, 2022 However he may have misremembered his own tweet, as he had predicted back in July 2020 that by 20...