Darryl Hunt, the bassist for the Irish rock band the Pogues, died at the age of 72. The band confirmed the news of Hunt’s death on their social media channels. According to the statement “We are saddened beyond words. Our Darryl passed away yesterday afternoon in London,” the statement said. The cause of death has not been revealed. View this post on Instagram You Deserve to Make Money Even When you are looking for Dates Online. So we reimagined what a dating should be. It begins with giving you back power. Get to meet Beautiful people, chat and make money in the process. Earn rewards by chatting, sharing photos, blogging and help give users back their fair share of Internet revenue.
Once upon a time—hard times, as it were—in an unrelenting, kick-you-when-you’re-down New York City, a real-life couple were struggling and fighting and having a thoroughly shit time. According to “Fairytale of New York” co-writer Jem Finer, this relatable and timeless dynamic became the basis for what some might consider one of the most fantastic and few-and-far-between-year-round holiday hits of all time. Pogues lead-singer Shane MacGowan went to work on the lyrics, and a twisted, rollicking as-only-the-Pogues-could-do-it gorgeous-in-spite-of-itself fairytale was born. [embedded content] A band like the Pogues have managed to both define and defy tradition with insatiable poetry that includes: You’re an old slut on junk/ Lying there almost dead on a drip in that bed/ You scumbag, yo...
Nick Cave is not pleased with the BBC for censoring the Pogues’ 1987 holiday hit, “Fairytale of New York.” BBC Radio 1 started playing an alternate version of the song — with the words “f****t” and “slut” removed — last week. However, BBC Radio 2 will still play the original rendition. Meanwhile, DJs on 6 Music, another BBC station, will decide which version they want to play. “The BBC, that gatekeeper of our brittle sensibilities, forever acting in our best interests, continue to mutilate an artefact [sic] of immense cultural value and in doing so takes something from us this Christmas, impossible to measure or replace,” Cave wrote in his latest essay for The Red Hand Files. “On and on it goes, and we are all the less for it.” Cave said the song has had such an impact because “it spe...
Crock of Gold: A Few Rounds With Shane MacGowan, a comprehensive new documentary about the frontman of the Pogues, will arrive at streaming services on Dec. 4. Presented by Johnny Depp and directed by Julien Temple (The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle, Absolute Beginners) the film features archival footage, animation by Ralph Steadman, and more. Watch the trailer below. [embedded content] It’s not the first non-fiction film chronicle of the Celtic punk; in 2015, MacGowan was the subject of the documentary Shane MacGowan: A Wreck Reborn. In the summer of 2015, MacGowan fell as he was leaving a Dublin studio, fracturing his pelvis. MacGowan has been using a wheelchair since the accident. You Deserve to Make Money Even When you are looking for Dates Online. So we reimagin...