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The Mandalorian

Disney Releases Baby Yoda Vinyl With The Mandalorian Theme

The first season of The Mandalorian offered a new hope for the Star Wars franchise thanks to a reimagined narrative by Jon Favreau. Regardless of how good the script was, there’s no denying part of the show’s success came from The Child, the infant character otherwise known as Baby Yoda, who became a beloved meme instantly. Now, for May the 4th, Disney has announced a Baby Yoda-shaped vinyl that’s as adorable as The Child himself. The record is aptly titled “The Child Die-Cut Vinyl”. It features Baby Yoda in a pod, as seen in the series, with his hands grabbing on to the edge of the metal, all snug in that tightly wrapped jacket. Both sides of the vinyl contain The Mandalorian theme song as composed and produced by Ludwig Göransson, the musician behind some of the best film score...

Robert Rodgriguez Directed a Season 2 Episode of The Mandalorian

Robert Rodgriguez is no stranger to tales of violent outlaws and children in danger. Now, the creative mind behind the Sin City and Spy Kids franchises has confirmed his work directing a Season 2 episode of The Mandalorian. In a May 4th post on Twitter, Rodriguez shared a picture of himself and a certain green puppet. “I am truly humbled to say I have now had the very rare privilege of directing the biggest star in the universe,” he wrote. Season 2 is expected to debut in October. While Disney is usually tight-lipped about these things, the House of Mouse has been strategically leaking details about their only universally-adored Star Wars property. In March we learned that Rosario Dawson will take up the dual lightsabers of fan-favorite Ahsoka Tano, and yesterday Peyton...

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