HBO has revealed the first look at The Last of Us, its upcoming episodic series based on the popular video game franchise of the same name. Set for release in 2023, the 10-episode first season stars Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Gabriel Luna, and Nick Offerman. Released on PlayStation in 2013, The Last of Us is among the most critically acclaimed blockbusters in the history of the video game medium, with a Metacritic rating of 95 out of 100 and over 20 million units sold. It’s set 20 years after the zombie apocalypse, when the Infected roam freely and most survivors live in heavily policed militarized zones. One smuggler, a bereaved father named Joel (Pascal), is tasked with helping 14-year-old orphan Ellie (Ramsey) to reach a mysterious group called the Fireflies. While Ellie herself i...
HBO is reportedly shelling out big bucks to put some extra pop in its apocalypse. The Last of Us, the upcoming TV adaptation of the blockbuster video game of the same name, purportedly “well exceeds the eight figure per episode mark,” which would make it among the most expensive TV shows ever made. There are a couple of ways to judge the most expensive shows, but no matter how you slice it, you’ll probably land on three names. For a total series, the current record is thought to be held by the 73 episodes of Game of Thrones, which started off around $10 per episode and by the final season was costing over $15 million per pop — a pretty penny, considering there are much cheaper ways to piss off your fans. If you want to know the most spent on a per episode basis, then look no...