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The Cerebrum

DR Congo: A Sad Tale Of Suffering In The Midst Of Plenty

DR Congo: A Sad Tale of Suffering in The Midst of Plenty… I saw a video today, of some Congolese who discovered a mountain full of gold in their region, and the villagers quickly swarmed in on the mountain, digging away with their hands and any other instrument they could find. Whether or not the video is authentic I cannot tell, but what I am sure of is the living hell that life in DR of Congo has become today. And this suffering is not due to a fault of theirs, but purely what God has blessed them with. [embedded content] The story of the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of the largest and richest countries in Africa is one of suffering in midst of plenty. For years, powerful western nations plundered that nation, and now, since 1996, over 6 million Congolese have died in the most inhum...

In Memoriam, Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa

Ebi was 11 when late Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha ordered a military crackdown on Ogoni land in 1994. He recalls with nostalgia how the kids would crowd late Ken Saro-Wiwa in those days, continuously pulling at his traditional attire which he was fond of wearing, until he sat them down and told them evening stories. Stories of the rich cultural heritage of his Ogoni people, how blessed their land and how the big corporations, in active connivance with corrupt government officials were ruining the place in a massive oil exploration enterprise. He insists the massacre that happened in Odi, Bayelsa State and in fact all the other “massacres” in Nigeria’s history, were all child’s play compared to what happened in Ogoni. Prior to that time, four elderly Ogoni chiefs known to be opponents of S...

President Trump And Joe Biden: A Choice Between Coca Cola & Pepsi!

President Trump And Joe Biden: A Choice Between Coca Cola & Pepsi! Majority of the the inhabitants of this planet just follow the crowd, they follow popular opinion, especially what the powers that be, using the Global Press, churns out! I don’t understand what the excitement is about in Nigeria, over a Biden win! Was it not Biden and his boss Obama that that were accused of helping install the current Nigerian regime? Was it Biden that called General Buhari lifeless? Was it Biden that General Buhari himself recently accused of telling him to stop killing his people? Yes we saw a tweet from Biden during the #Endsars protests, but the truth is Trump and Biden represents the same interests, maybe in varying degrees of sophistication, the White House foreign policy especially as it concer...

#EndSARS Protests: Is The World Watching?

#EndSARS PROTESTS, IS THE WORLD WATCHING? Now that Nigeria’s tyrant, Mr. Buhari has made it abundantly clear that he favours the use of State sanctioned, well-armed thugs and militia men, perhaps some of his “repentant” ex Boko Haram members, who he granted amnesty and recruited into our security forces too, to quell what has been for over ten days, peaceful protests, who else is in doubt that the old man in Aso Rock does not mean well for Nigeria? If there is anyone who still doubt that Buhari will sink Nigeria before he is done if he is not stopped, Benin, Lagos, Abuja and just this evening, Lekki toll gate with the Nigerian flag stained in the blood of defenseless protesters, is your answer! I see comments, even from some adults who should know better, making mockery of the protesters, ...

Nigeria’s #ENDSARS Protests And Nnamdi Kanu’s “Revealitions”!

Nigeria’s #ENDSARS Protests And Nnamdi Kanu’s “Revealitions”! Please take a listen to Nnamdi Kanu on this YouTube video, he’s got a good point here but… He insists that MI5 agents from Great Britain are in Nigeria as we speak, advising the Nigerian army on how to put down the #EndSARS protests, he said it is they who inspired the announcement of “Operation Crocodiles Smile”, and made so many other allegations, some of them scandalous, afterwards… But thing is, although we know the Buhari government is so incompetent they wont do anything without seeking advise from the “West”, how did Kanu not know that Britain, America (that he likes so much) and Israel (his chosen second home) are all together in this grand conspiracy to keep Nigeria and Africa perpetually in darkness and bad governance?...

Reflection On Thomas Sankara’s Legacy & Nigeria’s #EndPoliceBrutality Protests

  REFLECTION ON THOMAS SANKARA’S LEGACY AND NIGERIA’S #ENDPOLICEBRUTALITY PROTESTS On this day in 1987, Burkina Faso’s President Thomas Sankara was assassinated. Before I tell you about Sankara, let me ask a few questions that I hope might help put these #Endersars protests in perspective, explain the people’s anger, and why I honestly hope it spirals into a full fledge #RevolutionNow protests that could even sack Buhari if possible and give way for the rebirth of a new Nigeria! Why is the world’s arguably richest continent in terms of natural resources have some of the world’s poorest people? Why is a country so blessed like Nigeria, whose citizens are some of the best in almost every feild of human endeavor across the world, have an intellectually handicapped, anachronistic simpleto...

Abandoned At Sea: Greece Inhumane Treatment Of Helpless African Migrants Exposed

Abandoned At Sea: Greece Inhumane Treatment Of Helpless African Migrants Exposed For 400 years, they pillaged Africa, exploited and carted away her resources, raped and murdered her people, disorganized their system of governance, her culture, and when they even decided to divide the continent  among themselves, the meeting was held in Berlin with no African represented… By the time they were done, they bundled  Africans away like animals as slaves, they built their economies, industrialized their systems with African resources and on the backs of African slaves, that is those  who didn’t succumb to the harsh treatment they meted on them at sea during journey, and so died… Then they ensured a thorough impoverishment of the African psyche and mentality, degraded our sense of ...

Sleep Not, Tolulope Arotile!

SLEEP NOT, TOLULOPE AROTILE! Yesterday the 23rd of July, the remains of one of Nigeria’s young shinning stars, the 23-year-old Flying Officer of the Nigerian Air Force, NAF, Tolulope Arotile, who died under circumstances that many refuse to accept as normal, on the 14th of July 2020, was laid to rest with full military honour worthy of a heroine that she was. She was Nigeria’s first female combat pilot, and flew airborne to destroy many terrorists in Nigeria’s war on terror. The outpouring of emotions during her funeral demonstrated beyond doubt that her death was a great loss, a painful one, not just to her family and friends, but to the entire nation… While people like Dr. Sunday Adelaja, the Ukrainian based founder of the Embassy of the Blessed Kingdom of God for All Nations church insi...

God’s CEOs In Nigeria

0share 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 With over 200 million people, 50% of which are adherents of the Christian faith, it means there are over 100 million Christians living in Nigeria today, more than any other country in Africa.In recent years, there has been an explosion in evangelical Christianity in the country, so much so that there are more churches per square mile in Nigeria today than there are anywhere else in the world. As a matter of fact, Nigeria is now the biggest exporter of Christianity, to lands from which the religion came in the first place. Some of the largest church buildings and wealthiest pastors are from here! There are more pastors and churches here than there are in all the remaining 53 countries in Africa put together… While some experts insist that the proliferation of churches h...

Nigerians And The Concept Of “Money Rituals”

36.2Kshares 0 36.2K 0 0 0 0 0 Suspected ritualist Nigerians And The Concept Of “Money Rituals” One fateful Saturday evening in 1996, in Owerri, Imo State, a local television station broadcasted images of a certain man holding the freshly severed head of a child. Before then, rumours of child kidnappings had been rife in the South Eastern Nigerian State. Although the man would later die in police custody, a search of the hotel premises where the crime was committed would lead to the unearthing of the body of the late child and a host of other victims. The gruesome sight caused a massive outrage, inspiring citizens to go on riots in which the hotel, supermarkets suspected of catering to the needs of questionable wealthy people, and even the palace of a traditional ruler was burnt to the grou...