HipHopWired Featured Video Source: Ed Rode / Getty A Teen Vogue staffer who opposed the hiring of former editor-in-chief Alexi McCammond, was discovered to have tweeted the n-word three times over 10 years ago. According to Newsweek, Christine Davitt, who works as a senior social media manager for Teen Vogue called a white friend the n-word in two posts on Twitter in 2009, reports Fox News. “I love the contradictory nature of the phrase ‘white n—a,” she wrote in a third post written in 2010. Davitt identifies as having white and Filipino ancestry. Funny how people like @christinedavitt forget the language they’ve used in the past but don’t mind chastising others for doing so. — Crystal&Rob Janosek (@crystal_janosek) March 21, 2021 Alexi McCammond, who was sla...