Space Force, the upcoming Netflix comedy series from The Office co-creator Greg Daniels and Steve Carell, has received its first teaser trailer in advance of its May 29th premiere. Watch it below. Carell, who also serves as co-creator and executive producer, stars as Mark R. Naird, “a General tapped by the White House to lead a new branch of the Armed Forces with the goal of putting American ‘Boots on the Moon’ by 2024.” If you haven’t guessed by now, the series directly riffs on Donald Trump’s ludicrous Space Force idea. Assisting Carell with this mission is an all-star cast that includes John Malkovich, Ben Schwartz, Lisa Kudrow, Noah Emmerich, Diana Silvers, Tawny Newsome, Jimmy O. Yang, Jane Lynch, and Fred Willard. Paul King (of Paddington 2 and...