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Sister Spit

‘We Knew We Were Pissed’

San Francisco, 1994 A group of dykes, feminists, queer punks, and onlookers crowded an unassuming martini bar as Lynn Breedlove and a few friends used a chainsaw, blood, and parts of a pig’s body from a Mission District butcher shop to protest sexual assault, police, and art-bro bullshit. “It was gnarly,” Breedlove remembers, noting that there was no warning for the audience. The performance was in direct response to the release of a zine called Answer Me, whose final controversial issue, The Rape Issue,gained popularity with shock-obsessed readers while deeply angering feminists. “We didn’t know what the fuck, but we knew we were pissed.” Little did Breedlove know that this night of performance would birth a queer punk poetry movement that would tour the country, and provide a platform fo...