Home » Sbu Shabalala Steps Down as Adapt IT CEO

Sbu Shabalala Steps Down as Adapt IT CEO

Sbu Shabalala Steps Down as Adapt IT CEO to “Attend to Personal Matters”

Image sourced from BusinessLIVE Adapt IT CEO, Sbu Shabalala has been granted a leave of absence to “attend to personal matters” following assault allegations against him by his estranged wife, Neo. In the interim, Adapt IT CCO Tiffany Dunsdon will take Shabalala’s place. A statement from the company revealed that Shabalala would step down from his role for three months. “Tiffany assumes the role of interim CEO as Mr Sibusiso Shabalala, the current CEO, has been granted a leave of absence for three months by the board in order to attend to personal matters.” /* custom css */ .tdi_3_95b.td-a-rec-img{ text-align: left; }.tdi_3_95b.td-a-rec-img img{ margin: 0 auto 0 0; } According to TechCentral, the developments come after “serious allegations emerged at the weekend in which Shabalala is accu...