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Satellite TV West Africa

Satellite TV Continues to Gain Popularity in Ghana and Nigeria

Sourced from Britannica. A new study shows that Satellite TV reception increased by 23% in Nigeria and 19% in Ghana in 2019 since the last study, conducted two years ago; SES currently reaches 35 million TV households across the African Continent. SES has unveiled the results of its annual Satellite Monitor survey, which reveals a steady increase in the penetration of satellite TV across Africa. The study on TV reception also shows an increase in satellite TV across the continent, leaping from 33 million African households in 2018 to 35 million households in 2019. 2 million households in a year’s time. If this trend continues, satellite TV penetration could reach 41 million households by 2022. In Nigeria, the Satellite Monitor results revealed that satellite TV reception was the choice for...