Crunchyroll, the unrivaled streaming site with the latest anime options since its inception in 2006, has released one of the most anticipated original series of the year, Blade Runner: Black Lotus. The all-new Crunchyroll Original series, with co-production from Adult Swim, follows a young woman named Elle, who awakens in the desert with no recollection of her memories and discovers that she possesses deadly skills. Elle then escapes to Los Angeles where she begins to unravel her mysterious past and tracks down the people responsible for her violent history. The series takes place in between the original Blade Runner film and the sequel, Blade Runner 2049, showcasing how the world has changed in the time between films. In the video above, HYPEBEAST breaks down the top five r...
To mark the premiere of the Amazon Original Series, Fairfax, the streetwear brand Latrine released a curious drop: a branded beekeeper suit. Those attuned to the style set on social media may have seen stylists, designers and sneakerheads rocking the unexpected ‘fit, making it seem that Latrine is a notable brand you should know but have never heard of — and that’s true. The label is prominently featured in the series as a popular, top of the echelon streetwear giant that holds great influence over the show’s fashion-obsessed characters. However, Latrine is not all fiction, making its way from the series into real life by way of collaborations with the likes of Dr. Phil and even an unboxing video on HYPEBEAST. Translating the brand’s less-than-serious approach to the real world, the beekee...
Gucci has teamed up with HYPEBEAST for a new digital streaming platform, Gucci Stream. The series explores the corners and subcultures of user-generated videos online created for things that we love, hate, want and need. As the relationship between high-fashion and gaming advances to new heights, Gucci continues to manifest the connection between its heritage design language and breaking cultural boundaries. This year not only marks the house’s centenary anniversary but also the 20th birthday of Xbox, commemorated with an exclusive partnership exciting luxury and gaming aficionados worldwide. Starring DJ and presenter Emerald Lewis and genre-bending artist Kojey Radical, the second episode of Gucci Stream, “The Good Game”, sees the pair unpack the latest collaboration between the luxury fa...
A new film from Shudder titled Horror Noire is showcasing horror stories from Black directors and screenwriters. Starring a variety of actors from top-charting movies in the genre, the new anthology presents six individual narratives that are combined into a two-hour film. As the follow-up to the 2019 documentary Horror Noise: A History of Black Horror, the new film brings backs the husband-and-wife writing duo Tananarive Due for a collection of adapted stories. Other writers include Steven Barnes, Ezra Claytan Daniels, Victor LaValle, Shernold Edwards and Al Letson. Each of the six stories within Horror Noire have titles that fit the thrilling theme of the collection: “Daddy,” “Bride Before You,” “Brand of Evil,” “The Lake,” “Sundown” and “Fugue State.” The short-length se...
Gaming gear company HyperX continues to create products that cater to gamers and streamers of all levels with its trio of microphones. For audio-centric content, the stylish equipment sets a high standard for broadcast setups, providing products for both novices and experts. While HyperX’s QuadCast has quickly become a top choice for a USB condenser microphone, the company also offers the QuadCast S and SoloCast models. Each microphone provides tons of gamer appeal and are similar in tone, but offer different features to inform distinct experiences. Each of HyperX’s microphones allow users to focus on the sounds that they want to hear, so HYPEBEAST created a guide for choosing the model that best suits your style. HyperX QuadCast Standing at 10 inches tall with a sturdy black stand, the Hy...
Twitch sensation Leslie “Fuslie” Fu and Dr Pepper have joined forces for a one-of-a-kind collaboration with the livestream shopping app NTWRK. Aiming to create a more convenient and comfier gaming experience, the partners designed a limited-edition recliner that serves the needs of avid players without breaking their playing session. The Dr Pepper + Fuslie Gaming Chair offers a never-before-seen upgrade to gaming chairs. The sleek recliner comes with the modern addition of a built-in fridge, a design feat that required immense research and development. Capable of holding eighteen 12 ounce soda cans, players will have easy access to beverages without having to leave the comfort of their gaming set up. The custom-made chair is adorned with Fuslie’s touches including her signature, icon and a...
The golf course is experiencing a style revolution where players are opting for unconventional, stand-out gear and changing the traditional narrative of the game. Contributing to this, Michelob ULTRA and Bad Birdie have teamed up on the ULTRABAD collection, a series of fresh apparel and golf accessories. The offering is rooted in Michelob ULTRA’s belief in the intersection of joy and an active lifestyle. Releasing on October 6, take a closer look at the collaboration with our latest unboxing experience. The limited-edition ULTRABAD collection is designed for a robust range of golfers, ensuring that both professional and amateur players look good on the course. What’s more, the beer brand believes that “it’s only worth it if you enjoy it,” guaranteeing the assortment will contribute to a go...
Topps is a prime example of the saying, “it’s not about who did it first, it’s about who did it right.” The earliest reported trading cards go all the way back to 1860 and were sold in sporting goods stores, then later were packaged with tobacco and cigarettes. Originally intended for adults, companies found that the cards were much more popular among kids, so they began selling them with chewing gum and candy rather than tobacco. In 1938, however, a game-changer would arise out of the pit of poachers in Topps. The company, which began as a Tobacco distribution business, switched gears to head into the bubblegum industry, and eventually trading cards. For Topps to compete with the other trading card companies, it needed to stand out, so they created a line of magic photo cards that were in...
NBA 2K has become an influence and integral part of basketball culture — in addition to being inspired by the sport — and has come to almost perfectly reflect the current blend of the digital and physical worlds of gaming in 2021. 2K is popular among enthusiasts and gamers in general, as well as the players who are featured in the game themselves. Much like the game of basketball, the title has become a massive international hit, which has led to global basketball stars like reigning NBA champion Giannis Antetokounmpo and former Rookie of the Year Luka Doncic, to grace the game’s covers with much fanfare. NBA 2K‘s wide appeal and mainstream acceptance can be contributed to its fitting emulation of basketball culture in the game beyond basketball, like having in-game sneaker releases and so...
For many kids taking the court for the first time, a keen piece of advice one might hear is, “slow the game down in your head.” Oftentimes, it sounds implausible and, frankly, unhelpful in the moment. However, when you apply the notion of taking your time and thinking ahead, it unravels new abilities that have never been tapped into, and you may even be able to envision things before they happen. That’s exactly how it is to play NBA 2K22 when you’re locked in. The initial redeeming quality encountered when loading up NBA 2K, getting from the teams selection screen through the gameplay presentations, is how smooth the cut scenes and transitions move. This seamlessness remains throughout. To christen the all-new NBA 2K22, HYPEBEAST received an early copy of the game. First up: a matchup...
Verizon Media’s In The Know has launched a new show titled Forever Emerging that explores the world of fashion with established and emerging designers. The series hones in on the importance of uplifting the talent and voices of the next generation of creatives, and how these individuals help to push the envelope when it comes to design. The first episode follows Kyle Ng of Brain Dead and Kara Jubin, the visionary behind KkCo and Brain Dead’s women’s line, as they share how they came to work together and discuss their inspirations, hobbies and shared appreciation for creating new products for Brain Dead. Forever Emerging showcases the working relationship between Ng and Jubin at BRAIN DEAD STUDIOS, providing an intimate look into how Ng relies on Jubin for her distinct point of view an...
Anticipation for the latest release from Marvel Studios, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, is fueled not just by plot, but also by the cultural shift it represents. The titular character in the groundbreaking film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is physically and mentally tested as he must confront the past when he is drawn into the web of the mysterious Ten Rings organization. The movie tells the never-before-seen origin story of Shang-Chi, the MCU’s first Chinese American Super Hero. This pivotal chapter in the MCU inspired each element of the movie, including music, set design and other influences seen throughout the film, which makes it even more of a not-to-be-missed release. Before the film hits theaters on September 3, HYPEBEAST rounded up the top five reasons to see Mar...