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Rott N’ Roll Records

Zomboy Unleashes Heavy-Hitting EP, “Dead Man Walking Pt. 1”

After launching his new label Rott N’ Roll Records just a few months ago, Zomboy has returned with his first EP on the imprint, Dead Man Walking Pt. 1.  Dead Man Walking Pt. 1 is exactly what longtime listeners of Zomboy have been anticipating since he dropped his last EP, Rott N’ Roll Pt. 2, in 2019. Demonstrating a refinement of Zomboy’s sound, the record is jam-packed with riveting dubstep tracks perfectly crafted to tear down any mainstage he may play. Fans previously heard Zomboy venture into new sonic realms on “Desperado” as well as jumped back into his dubstep roots with “Flatlined” alongside Micah Martin. The titular track, “Dead Man Walking,” ventures into familiar territory as well, opening with ...

Zomboy Steps Into Unfamiliar Sonic Territory On Bass House Banger, “Desperado”: Listen

Following last month’s launch of Rott N’ Roll Records, Zomboy has returned with the label’s sophomore release, a new single called “Desperado.” “Desperado” is a step out of Zomboy’s normal wheelhouse, surprising listeners with a bass house beast of a record. The track embraces the usual nuances found within his musical arrangements, such as his intricate sound design and expertly crafted drums, but packs them into an unfamiliar tempo. The track isn’t what most would expect from the dubstep star, but that doesn’t make it any less impressive. “Desperado” is a unique and stellar addition to Zomboy’s discography during the infancy of his new imprint. “Desperado was such a fun track for me to make,” Zomboy...

Zomboy Announces New Label, Rott N’ Roll Records

When one door closes another one opens, as the saying goes. For Zomboy, the culmination of Never Say Die Records has presented a rare opportunity to forge a new creative venture on his own terms. Never Say Die helped bring the pathfinding dubstep producer to prominence, placing an early bet on his success in signing 2011’s breakout Game Time EP. After the iconic imprint made the difficult decision to close shop after 13 years, it appears Zomboy is taking the initiative to help fill the void NSD has left.  Now, the home for all things Zomboy has a new name: Rott N’ Roll Records. Better still, he’s wasting no time sharing what’s in store, dropping his first release of the year on the fledgling imprint, “Flatlined.” With “Flatlined,R...