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Record Store

The 10 Great Record Stores in America

The world may be getting more and more digital (NFTs — more like no fucking thanks), but record stores are beloved Luddite-havens where music culture thrives. Mainstream stores pivoted out of the brick and mortar locales over the years, or closed altogether like Sam Goody, but not independent shops. Their dedicated owners understood their importance to music history and music scenes, serving as a spot to find old gems you’ve only heard about, discover something new, and even read the latest lovingly crafted zine. Although they may seem like a relic of the 20th century, record stores are fountains of knowledge, staffed by die-hard music lovers dedicated to the tunes, the artists, and the vibes — from yesterday, today and tomorrow. In honor of the returning Record Store Day (June 12 and July...

Taylor Swift Supports Indie Record Stores with Free Signed Copies of folklore

Taylor Swift has surprised independent record stores around the country with signed copies of her new album folklore. Many shops reported unexpectedly receiving a package of 30 autographed CDs, and have been posting pictures with the hashtag #recordstorefolklore. folklore is a self-consciously “indie” effort, created with The National’s Aaron Dessner and featuring Bon Iver. It’s also the top-selling record of the year, released by one of the most famous people on the planet. With this gesture — hand-signing hundreds of CDs and shipping them all around the states — Swift may have given herself arthritis, but she’s also given these record stores her time and the power of her colossal celebrity. It worked — several stores reported selling out the whole stock of CDs in less than an h...