254.4Kshares 63.2K 191.2K 1 0 0 0 0 A COMMUNITY’S QUEST FOR H20 AND AKINYELE LGA CLEAN WATER PROJECT We are told in the book of Genesis that when God decided to make earth habitable for man, he met the entire surface of the planet filled with water, “…and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters”, before he called forth land. Today, experts tell us that 71% of the entire surface of the earth is covered with water, although 96.5% of it is salt water, man has been able to master the art of treating water for consumption. In other words, we are quite literally surrounded with water so that no human being should lack water. But, did you know that up to 300 million people live in areas without access to clean water? This applies especially to countries lying in Sub-Sahara...