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Parliamant of Uganda

Uganda’s Parliament Passes Tougher Penalties for Cyber Criminals

Sourced from Travellers The Parliament of Uganda has passed the Computer Misuse (Amendment) Bill, 2022 privately moved by Muhammad Nsereko (Ind., Kampala Central), which imposes tough penalties for cyber-crimes. The Computer Misuse (Amendment) Bill, 2022 sought to amend the Computer Misuse Act, 2011 to enhance the provisions on unauthorised access to information or data; prohibit the sharing of any information relating to a child without authorisation from a parent or guardian; to prohibit the sending or sharing of information that promotes hate speech. With deletion of clauses that sought to bar convicts under the law from holding public office or running for elections in 10 years, the rest of the clauses unanimously sailed through uncontested, with MP Gorreth Namugga (NUP, Mawogola Count...